Thursday, April 22, 2010

World Cup Video...amazing

So, I found this on Youtube. This video might be one of the best videos leading up to the World Cup 2010 in South Africa. And its a great song too. Check it out...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy 62nd Birthday Israel!!

Today, 62 years ago, Israel became a recognized democratic nation. In honor of this momentous occasion, I am going to share with you two of my favorite athletes who are Israeli.

So here they are:

Omri Casspi of the Sacramento Kings in the NBA. Born in Yavne, outside of Tel-Aviv.

Yossi Benayoun of Liverpool in the English Premier League. Born in Dimona, near Beersheba.

Both are tremendous athletes that excel in their sport. One day I hope to meet them, I already got their jerseys!

Lebron, new number, new team?

This is a picture from the future.

The paperwork was filed by King James and processed by the NBA.
Next season, Lebron will be jersey number 6.
He dropped his current number, 23, to honor the legendary Michael Jordan.
With this new change of number comes along speculation of if the NBA's MVP will pack up his Cleveland home and move to another city, maybe New York City?
I believe that if and when James moves teams, the Knicks will be bidding for him.
Its exactly what the Knicks need to be back on top of the NBA.

Tell me what you think...please leave a comment.

Nike's Ribery Ad is awesome, Nike does it again

Wow, Nike does it again. They are possibly the best at creating buzz around their company using advertisement. Check this out...their new Ad featuring Franck Ribery, a soccer player for the French National Team but also the star of Bayern Munich, a German Club team.

Here is the Ad.
It says "Bayern has another King"
But where it was placed is what people are talking about.

Yes, its on a Church in the middle of Munich!
Nike, well done.

Hello and Welcome

Hi everyone who is reading this. My name is Seth, and I am a student at Ithaca College.
I decided to create this blog, one because my professor said I should, and two because I want to express my self through writing and other stuff that I can post here. If i find something interesting, I'll post it for everyone to see. This is a good way of keeping up with my life. So here it is, for your enjoyment.